Management of Rodent Pests in Wheat Sown under Different Tillage Systems
Bromadialone, burrow baiting, cut tillers, maize residue, paper bait, rodents, rodenticide, tillage, wheat crop, zinc phosphideAbstract
Investigation to manage rodent pests in wheat crop sown with different tillage methods was conducted. The results revealed maximum efficacy in the form of control success (%) on plain bait consumption and burrow count basis with conventional (92.30) followed by zero tillage (84.74) and maize residue tillage (74.38). In these, rodenticide treatments with double burrow baiting was followed by single paper baiting. Lesser % cut tillers (0.39-0.53) and damage 9.56-15.71 kg/ 0.4 ha were observed in these. Burrow count in maize residue and zero tillage was 2.15 and 1.60x more than conventional tillage. Thus, rodenticide treatments with double burrow baiting at vegetative stage in December (bromadialone followed by zinc phosphide at 15 days interval) along with paper baiting (bromadialone) at reproductive stage (end February to 1st week of March) can be recommended against rodents in wheat crop to get higher economic returns (Rs.452.36-556.81/ 0.4 ha).
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Anonymous 2021. Wheat crop. Package of practices for crops of Punjab-Rabi, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. pp. 1-21.
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Anonymous 2015b. Wheat crop. Package of practices for crops of Punjab-Rabi, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. pp. 1-18.
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