Insect Delicacies Among the Mishing and the Tiwa Communities and Their Implications for Diseases and Food Security


  • Rimpi Dhar Department of Zoology, Cotton University, Guwahati, Kamrup Metro 781001, Assam
  • Bhanita Bora Department of Zoology, Cotton University, Guwahati, Kamrup Metro 781001, Assam
  • Sangeeta Choudhury Department of Zoology, Cotton University, Guwahati, Kamrup Metro 781001, Assam
  • Arup Hazarika Department of Zoology, Cotton University, Guwahati, Kamrup Metro 781001, Assam



Edible insects, entomophagy, food security, diets, nutrient value, anti-inflammatory activity, Mishing tribe, Tiwa tribe, trends in consumption, chronic diseases, protiens, carbohydrates


The Mishings and the Tiwas, along with various global communities, have traditionally consumed insects for their palatability since ancient times. This study reveals the remarkable nutritional and anti-inflammatory properties of these edible insects, making them viable dietary options. Eupreponotus inflatus was observed to have the highest protein content at 65.81%, Vespa affinis with the highest carbohydrate content at 19.18%, and Anaciaeschna donaldi exhibiting the highest fat content at 27.31%. Apis indica and Gryllotalpa africana demonstrated superior anti-inflammatory activity at 3.48 mg/ ml and 3.45 mg/ ml, respectively. Given that inflammation is implicated in numerous chronic diseases, the observed nutrient profiles and anti-inflammatory characteristics of these edible insects position them as suitable dietary supplements globally. The presented insect species could serve as beneficial additions or alternatives to existing diets. The study underscores the need for broader recognition of the nutritional and anti-inflammatory benefits offered by these edible insects. By aligning with contemporary nutritional needs and global food challenges, integrating these insects into diets could contribute significantly to public health.


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How to Cite

Dhar, R., Bora, B., Choudhury, S., & Hazarika, A. (2024). Insect Delicacies Among the Mishing and the Tiwa Communities and Their Implications for Diseases and Food Security. Indian Journal of Entomology, 86(2), 512–518.



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